Hellas Canyon
May 13, 2021
May 21, 2021
About us
I studied Psychology in Thessaloniki and worked as sales executive to large food companies and detergents. For 14 years I was involved in the social events such as Weddings and Baptisms.
My great love for nature and outdoor activities won almost all my free time. My first ascent to Mytikas, the top of Olympus was at the age of 17 years. Then, several ascents followed as well as hiking routes in the mountains of Greece, Rafting, Canyoning, tours and expeditions to islands and coasts with Sea Kayak.
As a volunteer member of the Greek Thessaloniki Rescue Team I had the opportunity to be trained and to extend my knowledge of rescue in outdoor activities.
The dominant nature in my everyday scedule led me to the observation and the need to discover the multifarious secrets through the rich flora of the Greek land. The knowledge that I have gained by attending the American Farm School of Thessaloniki have been valuable allies in my new professional venture.
From 2014 I started with the Organic cultivation of aromatic and medicinal plants, later followed their standardization and other related products. Soon came the first cells full of bees to take their place on the slopes of Pelion.
The mount of Centaurs has charmed me and continues to charmes me for 20 years, so in 2015 I chose as my permanent residence the country village of South Pelion Lafkos.
The idea of Nature Seminars embraced from the beginning and with the help of my valuable partner we have the pleasure to share experiences, knowledge and everything richly Peleus the earth gives us.
Multi-Day Activities

1. Experience Greek traditional Easter
2. Mt.Olympus-Canoe experience on the river-Meteora-Pelion.
3.Halkidiki Sithonia, Hiking between Green and blue.
4. Volos-Skiathos Sailing, Meteora, Pelion experience.
5. Sailing 7 days- Trekking-Gastronomy.
6.Crossing of Philoctetes 7 Days Sailing.
7. Meteora,Trekking Mt Olympus, Mama Mia Caves, River Canoe.
8. Halkidiki-Sithonia Hiking between Green and Blue.
Hiking Trekking

1. Hiking in Pelion (Flora-Botany-Culture-Tradition)
2. Hiking in the National Park of Olympus. (Flora-Botany-Culture-Tradition)
3. Hiking in the mountains of Kissavos. (Flora-Botany-Culture-Tradition)
4. Royal Lakes.A trip to Paradise Lost.
5. Cycling and bird watching on Lake Karla.
1. Botany Seminar - Workshop.
Participate with all your senses in a unique seminar in practical botany in charming Lafkos, Pelion!
• We learn about the sowing, cultivation, collection and drying of aromatic and medicinal plants.
• We learn to utilise oil and vinegars with herbs in our cooking.
• We learn to prepare traditional herbal ointments with cosmetic and therapeutic properties.

1. Workshop for the Use of herbs in culinary art
Cook with us using Greek Nature Herbs !
A very interesting workshop that will help us understand the use of herbs in our everyday life and in our cooking.
We will get to taste how combinations of the right herbs can give extra flavor to our cooking but also how they benefit our health and diet.
Modern and traditional cuisine combined with herbs.

Water Activities
1. One day sailing trip. Nature-sailing-gastronomy.
2. Blue cramps fishing on a canoe,tasting.

Lafkos, Pelion Greece
Phone: +30 6949 193152
Email: info@natureseminars.gr