October 23, 2019May
October 23, 2019

July Local Events
“Music Village” in Agios Lavrentios
The Music Village is one of the largest music communities in Europe. It was founded in 2006 by musicians Thimios Atzakas, Kostas Makrigiannakis and Georgios-Emmanouil Lazaridis. It is organized by the urban non-profit society formusical expression “ar Tree”. The organization aims to the planned or spontaneousperformance of musical ideas, projects and events and the productive exchange ofideas and projects between international artists and art people in general. It takes place from July to August and lasts for 15 days. International Pelion Festival – iPeF (July to August) Zagora, Mount Pelion
Since 2000, the “Pelion Music Festival” is the focus of cultural events in eastPelion, an area known for its rich history and multifaceted tradition, dense forests andabundant waters, overlooking the Aegean Sea. The festival is worldwide known sincemusicians from all over the Greece and many other countries participate (Greece,Germany, Spain, Italy, France, Belgium, Norway, Denmark, Bulgaria, Poland, Russia,Japan, Korea, Taiwan, China, Brazil). This is truly a celebration of music and art! It takes place in Zagora, Tsagarada and Kissos. Horto Festival (July to August)
“Open Village” Agios Lavrentios (July & September)
International Folk Dance Festival Nea Anchialos
"Maides” in MakrinitsaThe custom of Maides is a folk and mine custom, unique in Makrinitsa. It symbolizes the rebirth of nature and life in spring. According to legend, the hero ia a young man who is murdered by a villain. The young man is buried holding a fresh branch or a flower. Eventually, he is resurrected thanks to the dances and songs of his friends. This tradition has roots in the Dionysus worship and the worship of nature. It is revived every summer in the central square of Makrinitsa by young villagers. The organization is undertaken by the Cultural Association of Makrinitsa in early July.
Tsipouro festival in KatichoriKatichori was not a random choice to revive the old method of Tsipouro distillation. The area was historically famous for its high-quality Tsipouro. Since the ancient times, the people of Katichori have been occupied with the cultivation of vines and of course, the production of tsipouro. For this purpose, the Sports & Cultural Organization of the Municipal Unit, in cooperation with the local Sports and Cultural Association of Katichori “Centaur Chiron” try to revive every year the traditional occupations of the region, in order to preserve the tradition. Visitors taste the local tsipouro, which is prepared at that very moment. After that there is a folk festival in the central square of Katichori. The celebration takes place in mid-July
Sausage Festival in StagiatesAccording to the testimonies of the locals, the main occupation of the villagers in 1750 was the preparation and trade of sausage. These “sausage makers” were theonly ones throughout Greece who knew so well the art and the secrets for thispreparation. Using top quality products and of course, with the appropriateenthusiasm, they prepared delicious sausages, which were sold all over Greece. Thistradition is highlighted by the well-established Sausage Festival, which now not onlycomprises the traditional feast, but it is also complemented by parallel activities, suchas film projection related to the “art” of sausage. It is held in the central square withthe cooperation of the Municipality Volos and the local community of Stagiates inlate July
Night Fishing in AgriaThis is a well-established event in Agria, carried out for 45 years with great success. In the summer of 1964 the Cultural Association of Agria which was foundedthe previous year, took the initiative, in collaboration with the Sightseeing Club of Volos, to inaugurate an event in honor of the fishermen of the area, which was named“Night Fishing”. In recent years it has been upgraded, since nationwide known artistsparticipate. The events take place for many days and include concerts, danceperformances, painting and photography exhibitions. It takes place on the mainpedestrian street of the village, in late July. It is organized by the Municipal Unit of Agria
Melon Festival in DiminiDimini, which is famous for the production of melons, holds a melon festival every summer. Is is a night full of folk music and dance where guests have the opportunity to have fun and of course, to taste the delicious melons of Dimini and drink wine. The festival is held in late July by the Cultural Association of Dimini, in the central square.
Festival of Folk Dancing in PortariaThe International Festival of Folk Dancing is organized every year in the central square of Portaria, “Melina Merkouri”, as a part of the summer cultural events.Dance groups from different countries take part, giving us a taste of their own tradition. The dancers are over 15 years old. The event takes place in late July.
Religious Feasts of Agioi Anargyroi in Neohori,Visitsa and Ano Lehonia, "Lehonitika" (1/7)of Agia Kyriaki in Trikeri, Pinakates and Tsagarada (7/7)
of Agia Marina in Kissos (17/7)
of the Holy Trinity in Amaliapoli (17/7)
of Prophet Elias in Pinakates, Lafkos and Siki, Ano Volos, Argalasti, Agios Georgios Nileias and Mouresi (20/7)
of Sotiros (the Saviour) in Milies (25-27/7)
of Sotiros (the Saviour) in Agios Georgios, Nileia (25-27/7)
of Agia Paraskevi in Lafkos, Kalamos, Milies and Tsagarada (26/7)
of Agios Panteleimonas in Mouresi (27/7)
Discover Volos and Pelion
at the centre of Greece