Makrinitsa Village
January 24, 2020November
October 23, 2019

December Local Events
Christmas & New Year's Eve celebration
The celebration of Christmas and New Year's Eve has now become well established in the city of Volos. The festive season begins very early, namely on 6th December, the day of the celebration of the patron saint of Volos, Agios Nikolaos. The festive season begins with the illumination of the city, perhaps the most spectacular one all over Greece, and continues until the Epiphany with a large number of events. The Christmas programme includes a Christmas village, daily concerts at the market, theatrical performances, musical happenings, festivals with sky lanterns and fireworks.
Every year activities are enriched. The meeting points in the holiday are the church of Agios Nikolaos (St. Nicholas), the City Hall and of course,the floodlit ship Argo at the promenade.
The METropolitan OPERA HD live in Volos (from December to May)
Religious Feasts
of Agios Nikolaos (St. Nicholas, patron Saint of the city of Volos) in Volos and Drakeia Pelion (6/12 Milies (8/11)
Discover Volos and Pelion
at the centre of Greece